There`s someone
initial spark of electronic sound flashed me in the early 90`s
with the Techno & House wave. After being fascinated by this
new genre (the LoveParade `92 blew me away), I started DJ`ing
and organizing partys (1992 Isotonic Rave) .
next logical step followed soon:
I began to produce the music I liked most.
I worked
my first year with an ESI-32 sampler and Cubase, followed by a
Mackie-mixer and MS-20+Nord Lead as Synths.
It was a nice time with several Dj-sets in my "hometown"
Hannover (in
fact I lived in the middle of nowhere on the countryside) and
some audio output that you can hear in the mp3-area.
the new millenium the "PC-Age" started also for me and I had
some years fun
in my home-studio "SR9-Positiv" with a PC-based Audio Workstation.
Meanwhile I sold my MS20 (what a sin!!), but the Nord Lead was still
in use...
2005 a breaking point marked my life -- I moved my homebase and now
I`m working with Terramoog in his old millhouse, where we put our Equipment
"Mainfloor" was born, our new studio and audio-lab!
The best thing is: There are no direct neighbours, so we can boost our
speakers around the clock!!